Conferences & Events
Hover over each for a brief description and additional information.

Washington Leadership Training Institute
September 18 - 22, 2021
Student leaders and advisors travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in specialized training, earn National Statesmen Pins, and advocate for SkillsUSA and CTE with United States Congressional Leaders.
SkillsUSA South Carolina
Fall Leadership Conference

Fall Leadership Conference
Dates TBD
Student leaders and advisors from across South Carolina gather for specialized training, connecting with peers, and a chance to earn the State Statesman Pin.
Mid-American Leadership Conference
October 21-24, 2021
Travel to Columbus, Nebraska for a wonderful opportunity to experience a years worth of SkillsUSA chapter life in a matter of days. Perfect for students and advisors to gain the knowledge for a successful chapter.
CTE Month
February 2022
Help celebrate and highlight the amazing accomplishments and opportunities within your CTE programs.

SkillsUSA Week 2022

State House Visit
State House Visit
February 8, 2022
Join student leaders, advisors, and your state officers from all of South Carolina as we advocate for SkillsUSA and CTE at the South Carolina State House in Columbia, SC.
SkillsUSA Week
February 7-11, 2022
Show your pride by celebrating all five days of SkillsUSA Week. Each having a different theme.

2022 SkillsUSA South Carolina
State Leadership &
Skills Conference

2022 SkillsUSA
National Leadership &
Skills Conference
State Leadership & Skills Conference
March 23-26, 2022
Students from across South Carolina gather in Greenville, SC to compete in many events for State Championships and a chance to represent the state at the national level.
National Leadership & Skills Conference
June 20-24, 2022
Students from across the nation gather in Atlanta, Georgia to compete in over 100 events, all aiming to win a National Championship. Training and other amazing opportunities are also available.